Akutagawa H,S, Taiko club  "Hatou Banri"  Jan.26.2025. 芥川高校和太鼓部 大阪府高校芸文祭(推薦第1位)「波濤万里(はとうばんり)」

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • 2025年7月末に香川県丸亀市で開催される全国大会出場校を決定する大阪予選が1月26日(日)に富田林市のすばるホールで行われた。The Osaka preliminary round to determine which school will participate in the national competition to be held in Marugame, Kagawa Prefecture at the end of July 2025 was held at Subaru Hall in Tondabayashi City on Sunday, January 26.
    芥川高校和太鼓部は昨年まで、大阪予選で6連覇しており、今回は7連覇へのチャレンジだった。近年の他校のレベルアップは目覚ましく、厳しい環境の中、直前まで細かな調整を繰り返し、本番の演奏はこれまでの練習を存分に発揮したbestの演奏となった。成績発表では全国大会出場「推薦第1位」となり、7年連続の全国大会出場を決めることができた。The Akutagawa High School taiko club had won the Osaka preliminary round six times until last year, and this time was the challenge to win for the seventh year in a row. The level of the other schools had risen dramatically in recent years, and our team had to make many detailed adjustments right up to the last minute in a challenging environment. The performance of the final show was the best performance of the contestants, showing the full extent of their rehearsals.
    演目の「波濤万里」は4世紀~5世紀の高槻の開発に貢献した多くの渡来人の中で、全国の織物職人をとりまとめた「服部の連(はっとりのむらじ)」が、様々な研究を重ね、苦労の末に、人肌のように柔らかい絹織物を織りあげ、朝廷から認められて、「服部の連」の称号を得て人々に称賛されるストーリーを描いている。The performance “Hatou Banri” is based on the story of “Hattori no Muraji,” who was one of the many visitors who contributed to the development of Takatsuki in the 4th to 5th centuries, and who organized weavers from all over Japan. After much research and hard work, he wove a silk fabric as soft as human skin, which was recognized by the Yamato regime and earned him the title of The story is depicted in which he is praised by the people.

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